We extend a warm welcome to all students entering Centertown Elementary. Centertown Elementary has a history of academic excellence, and we encourage all our students to continue on this path of excellence. We have a variety of extra-curricular activities that offer each student an opportunity to take part in one or more activities of his or her choosing. We look forward to working with the parents or guardians of our students. The Partnership of parents/guardians and teachers helps each student reach his/her potential. A complete listing of local policy is contained in the Policy Manual of Warren County Board of Education. This manual is on file at the Central Office Teacher’s Center at 2548 Morrison Street. Interested persons may review this policy manual during regular office hours, 8 am – 4 pm, Monday-Friday.
We are a learning community dedicated to the success of every student.
Being at school and class on time is essential for optimum teaching, learning, and earning promotion to the next grade. School bus transportation is provided free of charge to students in Warren County. For this reason, tardiness related to car problems, traffic, oversleeping, etc. are not valid reasons for tardiness.
School begins at 7:45. Due to heavy volumes of traffic around 7:30 am, it is advised that you plan accordingly. Students are released to go to classrooms at 7:40. Students must be in their classrooms when the 7:45 bell rings, or they WILL be tardy and MUST report to the office for a tardy slip. NEVER drop your child off if he/she is tardy, without coming inside to sign the student in! If the child is tardy and is not signed in, you will be called and asked to come back to school to do so.
•Three tardies or unexcused early dismissals within the same quarter will result in a warning being issued and the parent notified by the attendance clerk.
•On the 4th tardy or unexcused early dismissal within the same quarter, the student will receive two hours of After School Instruction (ASI) and the parent will be called for a conference at the school.
•On the fifth tardy or unexcused early school dismissals within the same quarter, the student will have a mandatory meeting with the school principal and/or District Attendance Director and the student will be placed on an attendance contract for the remainder of the quarter. If the student is out of zone, the student will be required to attend the school they are zoned.